To: You

From: Pathwright

Re: Season 3

We launched Pathwright 10 years ago.

In 2012, the internet was already overflowing with more content than anyone could learn in a lifetime.

But as everyone reading this knows, having access to content isn’t enough to truly learn most things. We need what we’ve always needed: people like you making paths to where we need to go and guiding us along the way.

But in 2012, most Internet companies were busy making tools for helping people create, publish, and sell more (and more) content. There were no tools for helping someone make a learning path. So we began building Pathwright.

Mark & Paul Johnson, 2014

The path to today

Before long, y’all (as we say in South Carolina) started making all kinds of paths: cooking classes, reading skills, theology, weaving, calculus, photography — It’s difficult to think of a topic that at least one of you hasn’t made a path for.

So far, over 1.5 million learners have taken more than 43 million steps in the paths you made. We're grateful and honored that you chose Pathwright as your tool for helping so many people take their next steps.

What's coming to Season 3

Now here we are, ten years later, in 2022, with a team of wonderful humans still focused on making tools for you, the path makers.

Naturally, we’ve been reflecting on what the next ten years hold.

Our big idea in 2012 was to help thoughtful, creative people order the chaos of the Internet into easy-to-follow paths. A decade later, the chaos is all cleared up! (Wouldn’t that be nice?)

It’s never been clearer that people need paths now more than ever. And we’ve never been more motivated to make tools for you — the path makers who guide us.

Now, in Season 3, we go back to the beginning and make everything about paths again. And, as you probably noticed, our brand just changed to showcase paths too.

To see what big things are coming in Season 3, join us in the Season 3 path! You’ll get sneak peeks, design walkthroughs, and (new!) Summer Camp.

Hope to see you there!

Remake Paths with us in the Season 3 path

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Make paths,

The Humans at Pathwright

Make paths to learn anything

See what’s coming up in Season 3


“We’re Not Here to Change the World”

(2min read)

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